Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dear Introvert,

You most likely grew up with few friends, though the relationships ran deep.

In your adolescence, you probably envied your extroverted peers for their endless social energy and their absurd amount of best friends.

You've watched the extroverts in your church take charge and do great things effortlessly. You've seen them lead worship, greet visitors, and make everyone feel warm and welcome.

You may have experienced some guilt, because it's harder for you to strike up conversations with the lost than it is for your extroverted brothers and sisters in Christ.

It took a very long time before you were even slightly comfortable praying out loud.

People may have thrown words at you like cold, intimidating, or judgmental.

If you're like me, you've probably thought something was wrong with you.

Why is encountering the broken so much easier for others?

Why is it so hard for me to open my heart to people?

Why can I not simply initiate conversations and relationships?

You are a precious child of our Father God.
He is wildly in love with you. 
He created His children all uniquely in His image.
You were bought at a high price.
You are hidden in Jesus and you are His.

There is nothing wrong with you. 

In fact, the Bible even tells us that a gentle and quiet spirit is beautiful to God (1 Peter 3:4).

God has a specific place for us in His kingdom.
You understand the need for depth and transparency in conversations and relationships, and you crave it.
You have the natural ability to make someone feel truly heard, and therefore important and loved.

Keep in mind- sometimes introverted hurting people need introverted evangelists.  

The Church needs us introverts just as much as it needs extroverts.

And take heart, your social discomfort and short social stamina leaves more room for our God's power to be made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

So rejoice in your constant need for His energy and strength!
Praise Him for your total dependency on His beckoning voice.
And always, always, thank Jesus for His grace when we hide in our introversion and miss an opportunity to behold His Glory.

Don't you dare hold shame or guilt because of how God Almighty created you.
Instead, ask Him how He wants to use you and your sweet introvertedness to glorify Himself.

He wants to walk with you in your introversion, and He will often draw you out of where you're comfortable.

But don't worry, just cling to Him. 

- Allie

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. This spoke directly to me and what I've been struggling with off and on for years. I'm learning to love myself... Thank you for posting this. I feel understood.
